Monday, April 1, 2024

AFD: Occultist

I'll be honest here, I have not idea how blogger works, but I do like making and converting classes for a lot of different RPGs (mostly OSR), so I decided to make a blog to catalogue them somewhere better then google docs so here it is.

The Occultist is a fun one, it's a conversion of a conversion of a conversion. It is based in a homebrew OSE class one of the players in a OSE game I refereed played, it was called blood mage, it used a similar magic system to Whitehack. Either way, I've converted the class to Advanced Fantasy Dungeons, a super cool RPG that takes a lot from 2e d&d.

I plan on doing a GLOG occultist as well, so wait on that.


The occultist is a chaotic sorcerer, they break the laws of reality by using their own lifeblood as energy to manifest spell-like effects called Incantations.

Gain a Power Slot, and proficiency in Blood Transfusion. Take two advancements from the following list at first-level and an additional two at each level. You have advantage on saving throws against domination.
  • Gain a Power Slot.

  • Increase Wisdom by 1 to a maximum of 18

  • Add a new proficiency slot

  • Increase a saving throw by 1

  • Once per day may regenerate your HP by rolling your HD as if you have rested.

  • Increase the size of your HD by 1 before ninth-level

  • Increase your number of HD before ninth-level

  • Add 5 HP to your HP total

At first-level, gain an improvised weapon and two other items, randomly.

Through sacrificing their own health, occultists are capable of manifesting magic through this sacrifice and using their phrases of power. To cast an incantation you must chant one of your phrases of power in a forbidden tongue only known by you. You, as a player, must word what you wish to achieve with that incantation and the effect must be directly related to the phrase. The effects and cost of the incantation vary depending on various factors, such as how the incantation is worded, the situation presented and as agreements are made by the player and Referee. Each incantation has a HP cost that the Referee decides. The referee should use the presented table to help guide their decision. The HP spent for an incantation cannot reduce the occultist to negative HP and it can't be regained except through resting. Particularly potent incantations require a save vs. Domination, on a failure the occultist is reduced to 0 HP and the incantation has unintended catastrophic consequences of the referee's choice. The player may negotiate to lower the cost of an incantation by spending rare objects such as monster bones, gemstones, rare herbs, by taking extra time or suffering detrimental effects, etc. For all intents and purposes, Incantations are considered Devilry.

HP Cost



Simple Effect, something that could be done without magic. For example: Illuminate something, Read a Language, Cure/Cause Minor 


Regular Effect, something that reaches just beyond what could be done without magic. For example: Breathe underwater, Levitate small object, Become Unseen.


Major Effect, something that is considered a major offense to the natural world. Example: Unbind a spell, Raise the Dead, Switch two objects


Powerful Effect, the use of raw, unmistakable magic. For example: Move through time, Create an Object, Modify the Weather


Increase Cost. Add special effects to the incantation such as extra duration, range or damage, no save required. The Referee should judge how many points to increase it by.


Decrease Cost. Add detrimental effects to the Occultist, shout very loudly, use rare/costly components, require a save, take narcotics, take extra time casting. This can decrease the cost to 0.

Gap: Phrases of Power and Power Slots
Occultists invoke their magical effects through the use of their own phrases of power, these can be anything such as "Heal", "Light Sphere", "Booming Sound", "Ice Spike", "Gnawing Teeth", “God of Thunder”.

Occultist have Power Slots, power slots are a set of two phrases of power the Occultist chooses, one of the phrases remains active while the other is inactive, the active phrase may be used in incantations while the inactive one is unusable, an Occultist may choose to flip their active and inactive phrases in a single power slot through a rest action, turning the active phrase in an inactive one and the previously inactive one in an active one. There are no limits for how many power slots an occultist may have and each power slot comes with two phrases of power (active/inactive) created by the Occultist.

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