Credit to artists: Unknown, James Crabtree, Steve Ellis
I was talking to a dear friend of mine about Goblin Punch's beautfil take on
Elves and how they should be weird alien assholes who do their asshole things because they're aliens, they are hard to understand, they are made from different shit and their brains are just programmed differently, or are made of different material in general so that it's a completely different computer. I love that idea, but how would it apply to the drow? d&d dark elves are elves but with the asshole aspect pumped up TO THE MAX!
But why? Why are all dark elves assholes who like to hurt people for their goddess? Do they like-like doing it?
We know the underground slavery thing, plus matriarchy and their evil spider goddess are central themes of the forgotten realms dark elf, and also trying to escape this as we see in characters like Drizz't and every 5e dark elf PC, but why do they do that in the first place? Are they naturally all evil except a few unique heroes? Is it just evil underdark imperialism? Can a dark elf only be "good" with the help from a human savior or insert lawful good goddess?
Before I proceed, I need to say, this is not for everyone, talking about dark elves is talking about some nasty aspects of reality, a lot of people aren't comfortable with these topics in their games and that's totally okay. Later in the document I'll even talk about playing as Dark Elves, which is an even more direct way of engaging with these topics, so be warned about it. All of that sucks, but why are dark elves doing it?
Here's my take on it:
Dark Elves are Evil Because They Have To
Long ago there was a great elven queen, one of the first 3 Primordial Elves in existence, a powerful mage/goddess from another world. She created many things that she found beautiful, she created the spiders, the thorns on roses, displacer beasts, black puddings and whips. She had an unique view of what was beautiful, so her primordial siblings banished her into the underground were they wouldn't be able to see her sinister creations.
While her siblings made the surface elves, she crafted the Dark Elves, beings who lived amongst magic radiation and spiders. She became the Spider Queen, the goddess of the dark elves, but even after departing from the underground, to live with her siblings once again in the beyond, she still held ultimate control over her creations' souls. The dark elf lives to please the Spider Queen, she is cruel, she thinks she owns everything, so in her absence her children must take and hurt and own everything in her stead.
You cannot fix her. |
This is the Important Part:
When a dark elf dies they are judged by the Spider Queen by the amount of devotion they praised to her, the amount of pain they have caused to others and the amount of wealth they have accumulated. Particularly "evil" dark elves get sent into their version of "heaven", while those who did not properly please their queen are turned into food for the Queen's pet Weavers, celestial spiders the size of mountains who will chew their souls for a thousand years.
A dark elves' celestial karma is determined by how evil they were in their lives, but that doesn't mean they want to be evil, actually the average dark elf goes through great lengths to avoid it. They hide their cities in pocket dimensions, hidden inside great shadows so outsiders won't see it, they sneak around and use shadow magic to hide their presence from other species, the Spider Queen doesn't really care for her children that much, so she will only observe a truly noteworthy dark elf, or her clerics.
It's common practice for dark elf's adventuring parties to be accompanied by a Spider Cleric who acts as sort of a "judge", making sure their party members are being properly evil and not ignoring their divine duties.
This is not done because of malice mind you, they have to do this if they don't want to go to literal hell, the Spider Cleric is actively trying to help their party members. The same is true for non-cleric, they don't avoid outsiders because they don't want to kill them or hurt them, most dark elves do it because they don't want to bother doing it, it sucks, plus if they end up liking someone that is not a dark elf then they will either have to do something bad to that person or find someone else to do something bad with. Dark elves need to get creative with it, if they stumble upon a family of friendly gnomes who offer them food, maybe they don't want to kill this family or bring them to their city (which would be a fate worse then death), so they just rob all their possession in the dead of night and leave, or burn their house down while safely escorting them outside. Being a dark elf is not about being evil, it's about being evil in the least inconvenient way possible.
"I like you child, so I'll just steal your dog." |
Now, this is all very player focused
That's true, I think
playing a game where all the PCs are dark elves struggling (as human players mostly) with that mindset is fun, we don't want to kill that random miner who's on our way, so we must find a way to go past them without being noticed so we don't have to do something horrible to them!
There is a lot to be explored under their society as well, noble houses, how the elite priesthood controls the "means of suffering", how the less fortunate elves, born of peasant families, will have a harder place earning their spot in dark elf heaven then the evil fslave-hoarding elite. Plus the whole existential aspect of "our goddess is a fucking asshole who hates everyone including us", and they just have to deal with it, and their brains are probably programmed to think that "It is what it is". The only improbable way out is killing that fucker, good luck with that Ky'le, lvl 1, Dark Elf Thief.
The Dark Elf
Better hope you don't bump into a dark elf adventuring party. |
Blessings of the Spider Queen
- You can talk to spiders and spider-like monsters, they are neutral to you and you may ask for favors.
- You are immune to spider venom and spiderwebs don’t stick to you.
- You can control any shadow or darkness up to 30' of you with your thought. You can use it to obscure yourself or mold it into different shapes.
- Creatures enveloped by darkness are easier to hit or affect with magic.
Dark Elf Infravision
You see heat instead of light. What should be darkness to humans is equivalent to daylight to you. While in the dark you can see additional features such as heat-trails and warm air currents. You are blinded by a suddenly lit torch or a glance at the sun. The dark elves were made for underground environments, they are basically blind while aboveground, but have the one of the best infravisions any underground folk could dream off.
Evil Karma
Whenever you do an action that is agreed by the whole table to be "evil" or "good", write it down on a piece of paper. Evil things are positive karma, good things are negative karma.
There are also some weird quirks:
- Whenever you pass on the opportunity of doing an evil action while being observed by a non-dark elf or a spider cleric, write it down as negative karma.
- Helping spiders count as positive karma, killing spiders count as negative karma.
- It's okay to not be evil to someone if that will eventually lead to greater evil.
- For some weird reason the Spider Queen doesn't like man, if you're a man or transitioned into one write it down as negative karma.
This is your celestial karma, when you die the Spider Queen will judge you based on how evil you were. You will either be sent to Dark Elf heaven where you will leave a pleasant afterlife with everything you could ever dream of, or your soul will be munched by a god-spider for a thousand years before being consumed into oblivion.